• Class of 1955

    Joseph F. J. Aliquo, Jr.
    Marjorie Hueston Allain (Hueston)*
    Joseph J. Allegro
    Joan Altman (Gale)*
    George Anagnostos
    Birger G. Andersen
    Otto W. Anderson*
    Richard W. Anderson*
    Dolores Meuse Andres (Meuse)
    Charles Antonacos
    Glenn W. Armstrong, Jr.
    James V. Asaiante, Jr.
    Dickran N. Babigian
    Adele Barcelo (Newman)*
    Elizabeth Brown Bacquet (Brown)
    Thelma M. Bagley
    George A. Barbaro
    Frank S. Barbuto
    Ivan K. Barnes
    Gerald C. Barton
    Carolyn Beard (Berry)
    Helen Beedem
    Carl A. Bellini
    Rodger R. Benjamin*
    Alvin J. Bennett
    Walter N. Benoit
    Barbara N. Bernier
    Lois Bianchi (Epstein)
    Angelo L. Bilionis
    Robert M. Black
    David M. Blanchard
    Fred T. Blish III
    John J. Bonasia*
    Richard A. Bowering
    Ralph Y. Bradley
    Richard K. Brito
    Norman B. Brooks, Jr.
    Robert W. Brower
    John A. Brown
    John D. Bryant
    Richard C. Bryant*
    Katharine Bryant (Gardner)
    Margaret Budington (Welch)
    John W. Burns
    Edythe K. Burt
    Marvin N. Busch
    Frank T. Bushfield
    J. Laurence Byrne
    Parker E. Calkin
    Joseph T. Callahan Jr.
    Dorothy Carangelo (Booma)
    John A. Cardarelli
    Philip E. Cassidy
    Elliot Chand (Mrs)
    Patricia Chernoff (Ottinger)
    William G. Chigas
    Dawes Chillman
    Peter J. Ciano
    George W. Clasby, Jr.*
    Donald A. Clerke
    Paul A. Colbert
    Bruce M. Cook
    Edward R. Corsino
    Dorothy Corwin (Johnson)
    Barry G. Craft
    Virginia Crowley (Graffeo)*
    Mary Louise Cubbage (Adams)
    Catherine F. Dailey
    David F. Daley
    Donna Cook Daley
    John Danielson Jr.
    Francis H. Dateo
    John J. Deady, Sr.
    Virginia Deady (Murphy)
    Margaret M. DeCourcey
    Charles G. Devine
    Virginia Devine (Schenelberger)*
    John C. DiBiaso, Sr.
    Donald M. Dickson
    Robert E. Dion
    John F. Doherty
    William H. Dowd, Jr.
    John F. Downey, Jr.
    Robert E. Drew
    Malcolm C. Dunbar
    Nancy Dunbar (Grant)
    John S. Duncombe
    Patricia Dunnell (Cersole)
    Robert A. Edlund
    Julian Eligator
    Sarah Elliott
    Constance Englund (Newall)
    Ivan H. Enstrom
    Alexander J. Esrey Jr.
    Paul D. Faherty
    Raymond L. Fales*
    Arline Fand (Wainer)
    Gary C. Farley
    Edchen Ferguson (Querker)
    Elizabeth Fifield (Swett)
    Donald K. Fine*
    Joseph K. Fish
    Phyllis Fletcher (Higgins)
    Janet Flood (Hadden)
    Donald F. Forg
    Patricia Forsyth (Jameson)
    Alvin R. Frandsen
    Ernest L. Freeman
    Anna L. Fuchs
    Juliet Fukuoka
    John J. Gallagher III
    Robert C. Genereux*
    Kevin E. Geoffroy
    Donald A. George
    Norma Germain (Dunphy)
    George E. Ghareeb*
    Elizabeth Gilfoy (Wiley)
    Betty-Ann Gillespie (Gates)
    John J. Giriunas
    Babette Glaser (Beltz)
    Joy Glock (Roberts)
    Pauline Goedicke (Spillane)*
    Richard P. Goguen
    J. Laurence Golden Jr.
    Arthur W. Goodall*
    Robert L. Goodman
    Dean A. Goodwin
    Paul H. Gottlieb
    Edward A. Gradijan
    Marilyn Green (Eisgrau)*
    Ann Greene*
    Richard F. Greg
    Patricia Griffin (Studley)
    Francis X. Guilfoyle
    John G. Gunnell*
    David L. Gussak*
    Stewart Gutterman
    Mary M. Hadley*
    Edward A. Hall*
    Edward L. Hallisey
    Audrey Halpern (Rensin)
    John W. Handel, Jr.
    Antoine C. Harovas
    Walter S. Harrington, Jr.
    David E. Harrison
    Janice Hart (Harrison)
    James A. Hayes
    Joan Heath (McGarry)
    Barbara Hedden (Wilson)
    Marion Heijn (Hall)
    John J. Heneghan* 
    John A. Hickey*
    Alvan W. Hicks*
    Walter I. Hill
    Donald W. Hobbs
    Harold S. Holappa
    John L. Holman
    Carlton A. Holstein
    Catharine Hopple (Thomas)
    Chester I. Howard
    Frank E. Hudson*
    Beverly Huntress (Arthur)
    John S. Ingari
    Richard M. Ingmanson
    Alfred R. Jackson
    Phoebe Jayne (Greenwood)
    Richard E. Johansson
    Curtiss C. Johnson
    Efstathia Johnson (Bliziotis)
    Margaret P. Johnston
    Nancy Kealey (Latneau)
    Marilyn Keane (Teagan)
    Barbara  Kearney (Dolph)
    Geraly Kelley (Cobleigh)*
    Mary P. Kelley
    Eleanor Kelly (Smith)
    Phillip E. Kendall
    Edward C. King
    Fred N. King
    John B. Kinum*
    Rosemarie Kinum (Daghlian)
    James Klemawesch
    Jane Koch (LeHan)
    Arpue Koroghlian (Chebookjia) 
    Donald P. Kosak
    Richard H. Krueger
    Edward E. Krukonis*
    Edwina Kuhns (Ryan)
    Pamela Lang (Richardson)
    Anne Marie Langevin
    Betty Lanoue (McLeod)*
    Anne Lawlor (Colbert)*
    John E. Lecomte
    John P. Lefavour
    Barbara Levin (Todreas)
    Francis Levine (Bailey)*
    Rochelle Levy (Lubinsky)
    Frank Lindauer
    Betty Lister (Morrison)
    Daniel J. Looney
    Judith A. Love
    David H. Lovejoy
    Alexander A. Lukshin
    Gregory R. P. Lynch
    Russell H. MacAllister
    Merrill R. MacGowan*
    Eugene L. MacKay
    Albert Margeson*
    Dianne Marienthal (Schloeder)
    Richard S. Marshall
    James E. Martin
    James T. Martin
    Arthur J. McAvoy
    Robert L. McCarthy
    Louise McCord (Manning)
    Donald E. McCullough
    Robert B. McFarlane
    Richard A. McGrath
    Catherine McMahon (Winters)
    Robert C. Meehan
    Mary Pauline Meeker (Shipman)
    Marelyn Meigs (Witkos)
    Herbert B. Mershon
    Elaine Miller (Adams)
    Raymond F. Miller Jr. *
    Hans R. Mittemeijer
    Thomas F. Mofford
    Thomas C. Mooney, Jr.
    Patricia Moore (Baldwin)
    Dorothy Morgan (Temple)*
    Helen Moriarty (Skames)*
    Donald C. Moulton*
    William J. Munsie*
    Alfred L. Nardini
    Isabel Neely (MacDonald)
    Beverly Nelson (Callow)
    Elaine Nelson (Mingins)
    Robert E. Nelson*
    Donald C. Nicholson
    Loring F. Nies
    Erik A. Nordstrom*
    Caroline Norrington (Dyer)*
    Charles G. Norrington
    Douglas M. Norris
    Francis C. O'Brien*
    Robert G. O'Brien
    Janet O'Brien (Conn)
    Mary O'Connor 
    Doris E. Olmstead
    James P. O'Sullivan
    Carol Oulton (Burke)
    Mildred Padberg (True)
    F. William Paige
    William F. Palmer Jr.
    Jessie Palmer (Kindel)*
    Noreen Papatheodorou (Hall)
    Charles A. Pappas
    Richard H. Park
    Edward F. Parks Jr.*
    Barbara Pastan (Belin)
    Charles D. Paton
    John M. Peckham III
    Donald W. Perkins
    Mickey R. Perlow
    Dewey A. Peterson
    Virginia Peterson (Varga)
    Basil A. Petricca
    C. Leighton Philbrick*
    Deborah Phillips*
    David H. Pierce*
    Cynthia Platt (Green)
    W. Howard Pollard III
    Gerald A. Priori
    Clifford H. Raber
    Peter M. Rapp
    Anthony M. Rascati*
    Gordon C. Reardon*
    Jose H. Reis*
    Dorothy Remick
    Louis J. Resteghini*
    Mildred Richards (Cutter)
    Caroline Roberts (Deuel)
    John R. Robertson
    James A. Rollins Jr.
    Dirk Romeyn*
    Francis X. Rooney Jr.
    Ellen Roseman (Schulman)
    Angelo H. Rossetti
    Paul L. Rossignoli
    Burton R. Rubin
    Herbert E. Rubin
    Lois Rubin (Speyer)
    Nathaniel W. Rutter*
    Matthew F. Sak
    William L. Sawin
    Joan Schiff (Levinson)
    Karl G. Schmid
    Virginia Schneider (Mutty)*
    Paul A. Scholder
    Patricia Schwartz (Rose)*
    Barbara E. Slysz (Schroedel)
    Frederic A. Schulaner
    Roger W. Schuler
    Herbert A. Scolnick
    Albert A. Scott, Jr.
    Patricia Scribner (Bunyon)*
    Allan H. Seigal
    Cyril J. Shaw, Jr.
    Paul Sheiber*
    Richard T. Shindo
    Frederick O. Shrum Jr.
    Robert B. Shumway
    Robert F. Silva
    Carol Simons (Goldman)
    Roberta Simpson (Lawson)
    Robert W. Sindt
    Helen V. Small
    Natalie Small (Settimelli)*
    Dr. Alan D. Smith
    Frank A. Smith Jr.*
    John T. Smith Jr.
    Lolita Smith (Perduyn)
    Sandra R. Smith
    Harold P. Snow
    Richard E. Snyder*
    Robert G. Sommer
    Sally L. Spolzino (Cassarino)
    E. Lawrence Spurr Jr.
    John E. Stefaney
    David W. Stickle*
    Janet Stockwell (Wiranis)*
    Jean Stott (Brierley)
    Louise Strandberg (Brooks)
    Howard K. Strang Jr.
    Charles S. Suerken
    Ann Suhler (Manning)*
    Robert E. Surtees*
    Ann Suhler (Manning)
    Keene Swett*
    Robert A. Sylvester
    Eleanor Talisman (Hawthrone)
    Roger C. Tappan
    Irvin Taube
    Harold A. Taylor Jr.
    Carey Tenen (Bourke)
    Domenic S. Terranova*
    George E. Thibault Jr.
    Dorothy E. Thompson
    Robert S. Thornton*
    Alan M. Thorpe
    John C. Tommasi
    Stuart R. Townsend
    James B. Trask
    Ruth C. Tuttle
    Anne Tuttle (Temple)*
    Richard S. Usen*
    James L. Vail
    Elizabeth Valko (Topham)*
    Jane Valma (O'Meara)
    Stephen B. Vaughan
    Bruno J. Visco
    Paul J. Vitali, Jr.
    Mary C. Walker*
    Frances Wade (Leighton)*
    Wayne R. Weatherhead*
    John F. R. Wegryn
    E. David Weinstein
    Gwendolyn Wellman (Smith)
    Edward S. Weltman
    Catherine Whalen (Spinale)*
    Charles H. Wheeler
    Bruce S. Wilkinson
    Charles R. Wilson
    Robin Wilson (Mitchell)
    Robert P. Winrow
    Joseph S. Woloshin
    Ronald T. Wuschke
    John P. Zanes


    Deceased as of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 65th Reunion

  • Class of 1960

    Richard L. Allard
    Howard S. Anstendig
    Betsy Arnolds (Arnold)*
    George W. Arthur Jr.*
    Jeanne C. Ashworth
    Richard L. Bacheller
    Eleanor Ballard (Selvecki)
    Ronald E. Baptiste*
    David M. Barrett
    George B. Bartlett
    James R. Barton
    Marilyn Baskin (Garrity)*
    Harold A. Bauld
    Martha Beasley (Ekwall)*
    Joan Benford (Abbe)
    Suzanne Bennett (Perkins)
    Bruce R. Benson
    John M. Bete
    Gilbert W. Bickum*
    Joseph E. Bishop*
    Juan J. Blau
    Paul R. Blomster
    Kenneth E. Blotner
    Marian Bochniak (Daring)
    Philip E. Bolton
    Elizabeth G. Bombaci
    George L. Bowman
    Gilford M. Bradbury
    Julie Braverman (Fogelman)*
    Dudne M. Breeze*
    Selma Rosenbaum Briansky*
    Charles W. Broadbent
    Patricia Condos Bryan
    T. Joseph Cahill
    Sandra H. Canzanelli
    Charles Carp
    Richard A. Carter
    Bette-Joy Cavallacci (Panebianco)
    Neil L. Chayet
    Charlotte Cheatham (Tripp)
    C. Edward Claus*
    Gerald A. Clay
    Carl Cohen
    Ernest Colacito Jr.
    Richard E. Colburn
    Peter H. Cook
    Leland J. Cooper
    Howard S. Cramer
    Eleanor Crittenden (Frenkiel)*
    David V. Cronin
    Robert J. Crosby
    Kenneth J. Curran
    Robert Dantona*
    Richard C. Dahlquist
    William Q. Davis
    Sandra Dawe (Henricson)
    Judith Deemys (Peters)
    Marshall K. Delano
    Hope Della Ratta (Petrosino)*
    Henry M. DeMarco
    John J. DeVincent, Jr.
    Paul K. Dober
    James F. Donnelly
    David D. Donovan*
    Laurence C. Drew
    Frederick K. Dugan
    David D. Duggan
    William J. Dunn
    Howel T. Evans, Jr.
    Franklin H. Farmer
    Robert J. Fass
    Frank D. Ferrelli
    Joseph Fisch*
    Doris L. Fish
    Angela Forbes (Salvucci)
    John G. Forti
    Thomas E. Foster*
    Myron E. Fox
    Margaret Fraley (MacKenzie)*
    Carl H. Freyer
    James B. Fuller
    John L. Garzia
    Sheila Gilman (McDonald)
    Sonja Giuffrida (Kristiansen)*
    David Gonsalves
    Robert M. Goodspeed
    Herbert D. Gordon
    Irene Gordon (Kochman)*
    John W. Gough
    Judith Gould (Hynes)*
    Wallace E. Graham
    Diane Greenfield (Bernstein)*
    Lawrence Greenfield*
    Richard A. Gross
    Lois Grossi (Gregory)
    Jay I. Grossman
    Ann Hamilton (Ewalt)
    Barbara G. Haskel
    Richard N. Hatch
    Jane Haymon (Kraft)*
    Barbara Heneghan (Brady)
    John T. Hennessey
    John C. Hervey, Jr.
    Martin J. Higgins
    James W. Hiney Jr.*
    Lucy D. Hinton (Smythe)
    Fred W. Holt Jr.*
    Nancy L. Holt
    David A. Holton*
    Kenneth Horii
    Edward F. Hosmer
    Caroline Hyman (Griggs)
    Henry C. Ide
    Marjorie Indermill (Rote)*
    Karen L. Jacobs
    Paul A. Jacobs
    Denise Jacobson (Proctor)
    Paul B. Jennings Jr.*
    Orrin Judd*
    Renate Kalkofen (Scheer)
    Stephen J. Kamionek
    David M. Kangas
    Joanne Kangas (Heney)
    Barbara Kaplan (Sundstrom)*
    Rosalind B. Kaplan
    Phyllis Karon (Maltz)
    Andrew P. Kerr
    David E. Killam
    Eleanor C. Kimball
    George H. Kindness
    Bruce G. King
    Stephen P. Klein
    Kenneth E. Knowles
    Carol Knox (Ruth)
    Herbert Kopf Jr.*
    Edward S. Kostiner
    Eileen Kostiner (Tirella)
    Boris M. Krantz 
    Richard J. Labrecque*
    Paul A. LaCombe
    Edward C. LaFortune
    Lawrence R. LaPolla
    Sandra Lauber (Sudeck)*
    Judith Leonard (Martin)
    Paul L. Levine
    Peter H. Levine
    John A. Losert
    Lois Lunetta (Waldeck)
    Carol J. MacArthur*
    Dwight B. MacCormack
    Janice MacDonald (Faulkner)
    Roderick A. MacLean
    David B. Mahlert
    Lawrence R. Maier
    Henry B. Mann
    Lawrence W. Marble
    Frederick F. Margosian
    Paula Mathieu (Rubenstein)*
    Eugene S. Mayer
    Elizabeth McClain
    John P. McDonald
    James D. McGoldrick
    Norman R. McKittrick
    William W. McMahon
    Martin K. Miller
    James A. Moore
    Carol R. Morris
    George G. Morse
    Ralph H. Morse Jr.
    David A. Mulholland
    Richard J. Mullarkey
    George L. Murphy
    James J. Murray
    Allan L. Mysel
    Richard E. Nelson*
    James O. Nesbitt III* 
    Leonard F. Nolan Jr.*
    Elin Nykanen (Youngdahl)
    Clifford T. O'Connell*
    Ted D. O'Keefe
    Stephen J. O'Neil
    Elizabeth Patterson (Hyde)
    Paul L. Perito
    Anna Pesce (Manzi)*
    Timothy J. Phelan
    Jacqueline Phyfe (Hill)*
    Sylvia H. Pilsucki
    Joseph H. Porter
    Elaine J. Pruitt*
    Donald F. Pothier
    William Quinn*
    Richard P. Quatrale
    Harvey Quaytman
    Roland V. Rayment
    William Regan*
    Polly Ringdahl (Peterson)
    Kenneth L. Robie
    Reginald G. Rose Jr.
    Stanley J. Rosenberg*
    James A. Rotherham
    Stephen W. Rowe
    Robert S. Rowlings
    Barbara Rush (Holzman)
    Phyllis Salloway (Nason)*
    Dudley D. B. Samoiloff
    Linda Bloch Samoraj
    Robert M. Sanguinetti
    Alexander D. Savran*
    Stephen B. Schein
    Roland W. Schmid*
    William J. Schneider
    Robert J. Schug
    Judith Schwerdt (Genest)
    Edwin F. Seaward
    Ronald J. Shannon
    Gayle Sheppard (Drummey)*
    Katherine Shine (Laque)
    Robert V. Sillars*
    David A. Sloane
    Peter Smilde
    Barbara Solakian (Haroian)*
    Marilyn C. Soule
    Wilbur A. Spurr
    Wayne R. Starr, Jr.
    Robert H. Stebbins*
    Douglas Stephens
    Edward S. Sternick*
    Nancy Stoldt (Schein)
    Roger H. Stowell
    Sandris J. Stubelis
    Joel M. Sturtz
    Joseph B. Sullivan
    William M. Sullivan
    Laurence Sutton
    Jared N. Synnestvedt
    David N. Tait
    John C. Tarbell II
    Kenneth G. Tondreau
    Norma Uraneck (Hewey)
    Martha Varrell (Walsh)
    Robert A. Wall
    Stanley M. Ward
    Roberta Wayne (Richmond)
    Joan Weber (Cavanaugh)*
    Robert H. Wheelock*
    Jane F. White
    Kenneth J. Wile
    Janet Williams (Graves)
    George Wouralis
    James M. Wozmak
    Arthur H. Wuehrmann
    Alan W. Yaffe
    Ronald S. Young
    Paula Zeisler (Danaceau)
    Alexander M. Zielinski
    Bruce E. Zimmerli*

    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 60th Reunion!


  • Class of 1965

    Frank P. Alberti, Jr.
    Robert E. Alger, Jr.*
    Edwin C. Allen
    Carl E. Anderson, Jr.*
    Kenneth J. Arruda*
    Robert H. Ash
    Douglas M. Astolfi
    Ademola B. Babajide
    Robert N. Bander
    Rodman C. Barlow*
    Ellen Bevan (Weiner)*
    Ellen Bell (Weber)
    Michael Berger
    Marie Bertoline (Venerose)
    Paul L. Black*
    Susan Blacklow (Gamer)
    Leon D. Blazon*
    Janet Blumenthal (Berstein)
    David C. Bomberger
    David B. Boynton
    William K. Brown II
    Doris Bryant (Schofield)
    David B. Buckley
    Caroline Burdett
    Bruce W. Burleigh*
    Christopher I. Bursk*
    John L. Carroll*
    Louise Chatlynne (Geller)*
    Thomas F. Clinton, Jr.
    Maurice J. Colbert
    Thomas F. Connor
    Roger B. Cotting
    Lindsay Crosby (McLean)
    Barbara S. Cunningham
    Calvin T. Cutter
    Mary Louise Daley (Colby)
    Eugene A. DeWitt
    Edward H. Dlott
    Maureen Dunn (Anderson)
    Diane Fajen (Miller)*
    Robert G. Fitzgibbons
    Elaine R. Follis
    Jill Rudes Forrest
    Thomas J. Forsyth*
    Linda Freedman (Newman)*
    Peter J. Frigon
    Thomas R. Gallagher
    Stephen P. Gariepy
    Anne K. Garland
    Brian S. Gaylord
    Nanci Deutsch (Goldman)*
    Sybil Goldman (Killourhy)
    Barbara J. Goldsmith*
    Sheila Gorg (Carney)*
    Roberta Harris Grahn
    Charles R. Grant
    Clifton O. Greenwood
    Cynthia Guertin (Korn)*
    Frank T. Guilfoyle III
    John N. Hall, Jr.
    Ellyn L. Hamilton
    William D. Harrigan Jr.
    Jeffrey C. Hart
    John W. Hawthorne
    Abigail Hazlett (Warnes)
    Jerome J. Healey
    Patsy Hennin (Kane)
    Bernice Hillman
    Jeffrey L. Horowitz*
    Niilo T. Huuskonen
    Edward H. Hunt*
    Robert S. Johnson
    Richard J. Jones Jr.
    Sandra M. Jorgensen*
    Howard Kalmer*
    Fern Miller Kaplan
    Peter J. Kaszyk
    Ellen Katz (Chaprack)*
    Elisabeth Kay
    Nancy Keisker
    Lucinda Krauter (Farmer)
    Joseph M. Lachowicz
    George C. Leach
    Eric C. Lehto
    Richard H. Leigh
    Elliott A. Lerman*
    George B. Levenson
    Phoebe Boxer Lewis (Boxer)
    Robert A. Lombard, Jr.
    Jerome P. Long III
    Lawrence R. Ludden
    Jeffrey L. Lukens
    David T. Lundin
    Lawrence Lynn
    Alan M. MacDougall
    Joseph A. Maggiacomo
    Robert A. Magnuson*
    Dianne J. Mahany*
    Cyrus Manzoor
    John J. L. Matson
    Alix McArdle (Caldwell)*
    Stephen J. McHugh
    John F. McKenna, Jr.
    Jon O. McAlear*
    Michael A. Micavich
    Diane Miller (Fajen)
    John D. Mitsch*
    John F. Morrall*
    David S. Morse
    Maren Moxham (Gale)
    Robert F. Mullen
    Leslie Munzer
    Philip H. Myers
    Herbert W. Nelson
    Antonia Neubauer (Brody)*
    Harvey L. Nisenbaum*
    Arthur R. Nitzburg
    William P. Nye
    Douglas M. Palmer
    Gerard R. Patrick*
    Arthur L. Pearl
    John D. Pike
    Maris V. Platais*
    Carolyn Prensky (Chessin)
    Dana B. Prince*
    Edward E. Pringle, Jr.
    Mary V. Reeves
    Richardson Reid*
    Eve Robins (Silverman)
    David M. Rose
    Ellen Rosenberg (Greenfield)
    Harvey-Ann Ross Diskint)
    Richard A. Ross*
    Frank D. Rowell*
    Lawrence M. Rubinson
    Jeanne Sandak
    Ruthann Saphier (Ringwald)
    Joseph C. Scaring
    William T. Scarlata
    Frances R. Schnadig
    Lesley Schpero (Intriligat)
    Thomas F. Schuster
    Donald E. Schwab*
    John B. Sebastian, Jr.
    Phyllis Seidman (Pintzuk)
    Kenneth J. Simonetti
    Peter G. Smith
    Suzanne Smith (Shaw)*
    Ruth Dunn Souza (Dunn)
    Jeffrey Stahl
    Elaine Friedle Steinmann (Friedle)
    Robert A. Stengel
    Lance L. Stewart
    John E. Sullivan
    John W. Tanner
    Leon J. Thal
    Peter R. Thompson
    Janet B. Thurber*
    Peter G. Trafton*
    John M. Trela
    Judith Vanscoy (Farrell)
    Anne S. Vogel
    Charles F. Wagaman*
    Barbara A. Waka
    George R. Walters
    W. Craig Ward
    David C. Warren
    Ralph M. Warrington*
    Carolyn Whitaker (Rand)
    Jonathan Wilderman
    Clark K. Wilson
    Neville Wilson
    Margaret R. Winter
    Paul W. Yngve*
    Dennison Young, Jr.*
    Kenneth G. Zalkin
    John K. Zwerling*

    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 55th Reunion


  • Class of 1970

    Robert K. Abbott
    Kathleen Aborn (Todisco)*
    Jeffrey N. Adams
    Carl J. Angiolillo
    Nancy Anas (Mele)*
    Philip D. Bailey
    Robert Bedoukian*
    Gerald A. Bello*
    Betty A. Bernstein
    Yves R.P. Bizien
    Mary L. Boardman
    Stephen T. Capo
    Hannah Wilkinson Chadwick
    Elinor Chamas (Yalen)*
    Stephan J. Cisternino
    Robert G. Clough
    William A. Coe
    Patricia A. G. Connors
    George B. Cox*
    Matthew J. Curtis*
    Alan C. Dahlbom
    Walter M. Davis Jr.*
    Alla Demydenko
    William E. Dill Jr.
    Richard J. Dunphy Jr.*
    Bruce E. Ebbeson*
    Annette Tykocinski Eichenbaum
    Richard H. Ferro*
    Bonnie Gross Eisenstat
    Betsy Heilpern Firger
    Christopher M. Fortunko
    Paul Jeffrey Fowler*
    Joseph M. Geoghegan Jr.
    Phyllis Gigante-Chong (Gigante)*
    Chester S. Goldberg*
    Stephen P. Gonchar
    Robert J. Goodman
    Maxine Newberg Gordon
    Daniel E. Gorman Jr.
    D. Bruce Gray*
    Joy Sambur Greisen
    Elizabeth Snider Gross
    John H. Hagopian
    Carolyn Hale (Warner)*
    Ann M. Harrington
    Theodore K. Harris Jr.*
    Christine Jankowski
    Mary Courteol Kasch
    Robert C. Kessler
    Lois H. Knight
    Allen B. Koenig
    Martha Kohlwey (Richards)*
    Margot Sheffield Kruskall
    William B. LaFrance, Jr.
    James E. Larson, Jr.
    Marilyn Reisse Lee
    Andrea Levesque Lintott
    Elliot D. Lobel*
    Richard S. Luftman
    Edward J. Maguire, Jr.
    Leslie Maguire (Jones)*
    Robert J. Manning
    Paul G. Martick*
    William P. McCormick
    Jonathan T. Mead
    Anna Mele*
    John Melling
    T. Brooke Merritt
    William B. Miller
    Irving Moskowitz
    Carol Thiessen Mowbray
    Frederick T. Mullen, Jr.*
    Thomas A. Nelson
    Paul I. Norman*
    Linda Parson (Mayhew)*
    Anthony C. Piscopo
    William T. Powell III
    Virginia E. Reynolds
    William B. Richardson*
    Austin T. Ropes Jr.
    Domenico Rosa
    Charles S. Ross
    William J. Salter
    Charles J. Salvo, Jr.*
    Susan B. Shrand
    Penny Taylor Simmers
    Joyce Sinnott (Frail)*
    Leon Slobodzian Jr.
    Kimberly G. Smith
    George H. Sparks
    Kathryn Dubin Stamski
    Jon E. Steinberg
    David V. Stokes
    Dona Thompson (Seegers)*
    Douglas A. Uraneck
    Roger P. Verduin Jr.
    Melanie R. Vogl
    Maryanne Curran Waters
    David A. Whitley*
    Merryl Maleska Wilbur (Maleska)*
    Claudia Crutcher Winkler

    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 50th Reunion


  • Class of 1975

    Robert A. Adler
    Elise F. Amendola*
    Gordon E. Arnold
    Richard E. Barnett
    Mark H. Beers
    Vivian Bernstein (Glaser)
    Stephanie L. Bibb
    Louis B. Birenbaum
    Stephen B. Blount*
    Thomas D. Caldwell IV
    John Carragee
    Robert J. Carroll
    Edwin K. Chin
    Judith A. Clark*
    Geoffrey A. Clayton*
    Paula J. Couture
    Laurie W. Crichton
    Andrew B. Cushner*
    Bruce E. Dale
    Charles R. De Burlo
    Emil P. Drottar
    Connie J. Frisch
    Marc R. Gaudreau
    John P. Gillen Jr.
    Charles W. Goldsmith
    David L. Gunner
    Nancy L. Haber
    Max S. Hall
    Regina Hamilton (Nalewajek)*
    Jeffrey M. Hamlet
    Donna Brader Harkness
    Jan I. Harman
    Charles W. Hart
    Dorothy L. F. Heinonen
    Hannah E. Hess
    Gordon E. Hickory
    Christine A. Hoepfner
    Michael E. Hull
    Joann Roden Johnson
    Karen O. Johnson
    Steven H. Katz
    Helena H. Kelliher
    Gorman H. King
    William T. Kinzer
    Carol Eilbott Klebanow
    Arthur R. Kritzer
    Catherine Lawson (Boone)*
    Judith A. Lewia
    Marian H. Long
    Rhoda W. MacLachlan
    Albert P. Marcello, Jr.
    H. Curtiss Martin
    Duncan McGillivary
    Mark T. McMenamy*
    Susan D. Meisner
    Wayne K. Miller
    Richard N. Moreau
    Lorna T. Morehouse
    Owen P. Morrison
    Patricia O'Keefe (Irvine)*
    Edward J. Palmieri, Jr.
    Russell E. Philbrick
    Maia G. Ping
    Joseph K. Pistell
    Hannah Ruth (Murphy)
    Olga O. Sears
    Michael S. Shear*
    Ronald S. Sills*
    Stephen R. Sugrue
    Brian Taylor
    James W. Tebbetts
    Bernard Thomas
    Elizabeth S. Thomas
    Frederick J. Tieuli*
    Benigno Torres
    Nancy B. True*
    Michael A. Warshawsky
    Nancy J. Watt
    Susan V. Weiss
    Leslie Weller
    Maureen E. Whalen*
    Marjorie A. White*

    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased Since the 45th Reunion

  • Class of 1980

    Stephen E. Aiello*
    Christopher J. Ainley
    David B. Arsenault
    Maureen B. Ashworth
    Peter D. Bolton
    Harry E. Calmar*
    Bart L. Calobrisi
    Donald Carey*
    Lawrence A. Cohen
    Kathleen Creighton (Colbert)*
    Amy L. Davidson
    Jacqueline DeTurk
    David G. Dodwell
    David B. Elmer
    Richard A. Farrenkopf
    Lawrence V. Gelber
    George O. Gelinas III
    Hilary Gibson (Wechsler)*
    Virginia B. Gooch
    David N. Hadad
    Madeleine D. Keeve
    Michael R. Levy
    Russell C. Lindgren
    Monessa G. Lujan
    Richard M. Mangan*
    Ruth M. Martin*
    Richard A. McGuire*
    Amy Mintz (Rotberg)
    Patricia A. Monson
    Robert L. Mumford
    Christine M. Murphy
    Jonathan C. Murray
    Rebe Newman (Linton)
    Lawrence G. O'Connell
    Janet G. O'Donnell
    Stephen A. Pietrantoni
    Sheri M. Pruitt
    Paula M. Ritter
    Emily Rockwood (Bliss)
    Tod L. Rush*
    Jon L. Shevell
    Chloe Smeed (Montgomery)
    Lanny F. Sokol
    Barbara Spalding (Manville)*
    Thomas B. St. Clair*
    Farhad Talebi
    Ann K. Walther
    Elizabeth B. Wilinsky


    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 40th Reunion

  • Class of 1985

    Jeffrey S. Ayres
    Ronald L. Blackburn
    Laurie A. Bove
    Linda N. Chu (Yee)
    Marjorie Cohen*
    Clifford W. Colbourne
    Paul L. Collins
    Maria M. De Llado (Calderon)
    Anthony Dell'Anno
    Carmen Fuentes*
    Mark A. Goldstein
    Gregory S. Green
    Jefferson B. Hood
    Jeffry Katz
    Brian Kelley*
    Gregory L. Large
    Martin J. Melia, Jr.
    Angelo R. Montemurro
    Martin Neath
    Andrew J. Nick
    Mark V. O'Leary
    David A. Peikes
    Andrew S. Porter
    Ingrid Semenza (Phillpotts) 
    Gordon A. Sterling
    Lisa L. Stone
    Shelley Z. Taylor
    Mark W. Tripp
    Maureen C. Twomey
    Donna L. Yanoff


    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 35th Reunion

  • Class of 1990

    Daniel Bibb
    Myra M. Frazier
    Lynne S. Gagliano
    Molly Glynn
    Anita Y. Griffey
    Stephanie A. E. Guerlain
    Pamela Johnston (Maitland)
    Gary Khoury*
    J. David Kuo
    Terence J. Leydon
    Leo F. Louden*
    Christopher J. Malerich
    George K. Mazareas*
    Laura R. Purcell
    Brian D. Silber
    Christopher D. Simmons
    Brian M. Smith
    Adam L. Steinberg
    Heather Vandevoorde (Long)
    James A. Wood
    Christopher A. Zappulla*



    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 30th Reunion

  • Class of 1995

    Adam Chachkes*
    Edward K. Chang
    Christopher A. Grande*
    Chad E. Houseweart
    George A. Korizis
    Bryan M. Lee
    Margaret Levine
    Timothy Link
    Robert H. Luchsinger
    Robert H. Micucci
    Mark A. Radford
    Stewart P. Rudnicki
    Amy B. Selzer
    Sara Sussman (Narins)
    Cynthia Vose*


    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 25th Reunion

  • Class of 2000

    Claire G. Bowley
    Cristin Anne Gadue
    Martin R. Haig*
    Kiant M. Hammond
    Benjamin J. Hartman*
    Karen Lew-Smith*
    Sunil K. Rao
    Julia Rosenfeld*
    Kevin P. Shaw*
    Mark B. Stevens
    Chen-Chieh J. Su*

    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 20th Reunion

  • Class of 2005

    Brian Von Rohr Costello  
    Bonnie D. DeWitt  
    Jennifer L. Galpin* 



    As of October 30, 2024

    Deceased since the 15th Reunion 

  • Class of 2010

    Alexander P. Berdoff
    Emma D. Blumstein
    Christine C. Burnham
    Kristen M. Burns
    Aileen Cheng
    Philip H. Gordon*
    Tanya Mitra
    Adam J. Ogden
    Sabina Robillard (Carlson)*




    As of October 30, 2024

    *Deceased since the 5th Reunion

  • Class of 2015
  • Class of 2020

    Matthew H. Shea



    Deceased as of October 30, 2024

  • Class of 2024