Reunion Weekend Awards

Celebrate our reunion classes!

Awards highlighting attendance and philanthropic achievements will be announced on our two Reunion Weekends. See the opportunities for your class to snag one of these awards below.

Reunion Attendance Awards

Just attending your reunion weekend can help secure this award! One award will be presented to the class with the largest number of alumni attendees. A second will go to the class with the highest percentage of attendees from their class.

May Weekend Winners

# of attendees: 1974
% of attendees: 1974

June Weekend Winners

# of attendees: 2019
% attendees: 2004

Join the Herd: Reunion Class Participation Awards

A double chance for victory: Give any amount to any program, department, or initiative at Tufts and set your class up to win. One award will be presented to the class with the largest number of alumni donors. A second will go to the class with the highest percentage of donors. Any amount qualifies and every gift is Jumbo—this is something anyone and everyone can do!

May Weekend Winners

# of donors: 1974 
% participation: 1964 

June Weekend Winners

# of donors: 2004
% participation: 2004

Focus on the Fund: Tufts Fund for Arts, Sciences & Engineering Award

Gather your classmates and see just how much you can do together. The class that commits the highest dollar amount to the Tufts Fund during its reunion year (July 1, 2023-Reunion Weekend 2024) not only wins this esteemed award, but also supports every part of the Tufts experience for current and future students.

May Weekend Winner: 1984

June Weekend Winner: 1999

All In: Reunion Class Gift Award

You and your classmates are passionate about a variety of things at Tufts, and this award recognizes all of that generosity. You’ll win it if your reunion class gives the most this year (July 1, 2023-Reunion Weekend 2024)—gifts, pledges, and bequests, made to anywhere at Tufts.

Who's in the lead? 

May Weekend Winner: 1984

June Weekend Winner: 1999

Full Five: Consistent Generosity Award

If you and your classmates together have contributed more than any other reunion class in the last five fiscal years, this award is all yours! We’re all in for this one, too—gifts, pledges, and bequests made to anywhere at Tufts count, from July 1, 2019 to Reunion Weekend 2024.

Who's in the lead? 

May Weekend Winner: 1989

June Weekend Winner: 2004

Make your reunion gift today and make sure your class is in the lead.