A beautiful relationship with our veterinarians drew Linda and Marty Haspel hundreds of miles to their new home near Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.
Tufts is making strides to ensure success with the Professorship Partnership Challenge, a Brighter World initiative. The minimum to endow a full professorship is $2 million, and to endow a junior professorship, Tufts requires a minimum of $1.25 million.
The chestnut horse being examined for a suspected back injury at Cummings School’s new Equine Sports Medicine Complex had the long, elegant lines of a true Westphalian.
Hannah Donnelly, V17, was "super anxious" about a dog spay she was scheduled to do. All third-year students at Cumming School of Veterinary Medicine are required to spay two dogs for their course in small-animal anesthesia and surgery.