Before the Interview

  • Assess yourself and develop career objectives

    Employers look for a variety of transferable skills, as well as candidates who have carefully considered their goals and can connect them to a position and organization.

  • Research the employer
    • History, current position and future prospects. Begin with the employer’s website and proceed to trade journals, professional organizations and media coverage. 
    • The nature and format of the interview. Ask the recruiter if you will be meeting with a single individual from HR, the hiring manager, and/or potential co-workers. Will there be case questions (typical of consulting or technical interviews)?
  • Reflect on your fit with the organization

    Compare your employer research to your understanding of where you might fit in the organization. Most importantly, think about how you can contribute to the organization’s goals. 

  • Be ready to say why you are a good fit for the job
    • Why are you interested in this organization? This field? This specific position?
    • Why are you the best person for this job?

    If you’ve done your homework – and you’re sincere about your interest – you’ll be prepared to differentiate yourself from your competition.

  • Remember your goals
    • Describe your skills and experience that match the position
    • Get information about the position and organization
    • Determine whether the position is right for you
  • Remember the employer's goals
    • Determine whether you can do the job
    • Assess your fit with the team/organization
    • Sell the organization and position
  • Conduct informational interviews

    Speak with alumni and others who work at the organization or in the same industry. Find individuals in the Tufts University Career Network on LinkedIn. See Networking 2.0 for additional info.

  • Review your resume

    Be prepared to discuss every bullet point, from internships and employment to coursework and activities. Experienced candidates should be prepared to discuss graduate or professional school experiences and any gaps in work history. 

  • Practice. Practice. Practice.
  • Choose your interview outfit

    Review proper interview attire for MenWomen, and those beyond the binary. Model your outfit for a friend at least two days ahead. Business attire is appropriate for all interviews, unless you’ve been instructed differently. You may note some interview attire guidelines portray traditional gender roles: Remember, you are the final judge of what will work for you. Job seekers should dress professionally for the gender they would choose to present at work or in gender-neutral attire. The most important consideration for appropriateness of attire is that clothes be professional, fit well, and be consistent with organizational culture.

  • Do a trial run

    Take a test drive if you are at all uncertain about how to get to the interview location. Consider unexpected factors such as traffic/public transport delays, parking, and/or money for meters. Check the weather and prepare accordingly.