Looking for a good book?
The Tufts University Alumni Association is pleased to offer an online book club exclusively for Tufts alumni. Continue to learn beyond the classroom by joining your alumni peers in thought provoking discussions. You can chat, participate, and add to the conversation whenever it is convenient for you. Share your interesting and thought-provoking comments and questions on our private discussion boards, which are always open. Participate from your own home, or on the go! You do not have to read every book--there are no tests or quizzes here.
So what are you waiting for? Read with us today!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the Virtual Book Club?
Step 1) Log in to GoodReads.com, or create an account if you don’t already have one.
Don’t have an account? Don’t worry, all you need is an email to register!
Step 2) Request to join the Tufts Alumni Virtual Book Club.
Please do not forget to answer the entry question – remember, the group is for the alumni community only! If you do not answer the questions we will not be able to verify you and you will not be granted access by our group moderator.
Step 3) Start reading and discussing!
Don't forget to download the app so you can discuss from anywhere!
I requested to join, but never received a response. When this happens the most common reason is that you did not supply us with the information we need to verify you are a member of the Tufts community--last name, email address and Tufts affiliation. Please request to join again through the Goodreads site and provide that information
How frequent is the book club?
Currently, the book club reads three books a year, in the spring, summer and fall. The book is selected by alumni through a survey, and the selected text is typically announced 4-6 weeks before discussions begin.
Do I need to read every book?
There is no formal time commitment for the book club – you can spend as much or as little time participating as you’d like. We will provide as much supplemental material as possible for each book club, so everyone is able to participate, even if you don’t have time to read the book cover to cover.
How does a virtual discussion work?
Once you’re a member of the Tufts Alumni Virtual Book Club group, you’ll be able to participate by commenting, posing questions to your fellow readers, and reacting to others' comments. The book club moderator will help lead regular discussions during the discussion month, but all alumni are welcome to chime in with their own questions and take-aways from the book.
If you have any technical troubles with the book club, you can contact the club moderator Mary Ann Hunt at Mary_Ann.Hunt@tufts.edu.
Why not a regular, non-virtual book club?
The Tufts Alumni Book Club is virtual so alumni from all across the world can participate on their own schedule. However, if you are interested in hosting an in-person book club gathering, please contact Mary Ann Hunt at Mary_Ann.Hunt@tufts.edu.
Can I recommend a book for the club to read?
Of course! While we do try to feature authors from the Tufts community, like faculty or alumni, we’re open to all suggestions. Use this form to submit a suggestion.
*Please note that if you are an alumni author suggesting your own book, that your book will need a second nomination to be included in future book polls.
Help! What if I still have questions?
We’re here to help! You can contact our book club moderator, Mary Ann, directly at Mary_Ann.Hunt@tufts.edu. You can also send Mary Ann a message through GoodReads – she is here to answer all your questions.