Jeff Taliaferro

Jeffrey (Jeff) W. Taliaferro is Professor of Political Science at Tufts University and Lecturer at the Fletcher School. His research and teaching focus on security studies, international relations theory, international history and politics, the grand strategies of the great powers, United States foreign policy, intelligence, cybersecurity policy. He earned a bachelor's degree in history and political science from Duke University and a Ph.D. in government from Harvard University. His most recent book is Defending Frenemies: Alliance Politics and Nonproliferation in US Foreign Policy (Oxford University Press, 2019). Professor Taliaferro came to Tufts in 1997. He has held a research fellowship at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway in summer 2016 and a fellowship at the Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC in 2017-2018. His current research examines how the United States and its allies negotiate crises of change in their relationships. On this trip, he will discuss current challenges for the United States and NATO.